

Annual Course

The Fashion Stylist course aims to train a style professional capable of defining the image of a collection and the positioning of a brand, of creating icons, of combining creativity and commercial needs on the occasion of fashion shows, advertising campaigns, events, photo shoots or other editorial activities .

The course program aims to provide theoretical knowledge, technical and methodological skills to be able to work in the world of fashion and luxury. At the end of the course Fashion Stylist each student will have acquired the culture, sensitivity and all the technical and creative skills to enter the Fashion System.

The goal is to train the one who will be able to curare lo styling of fashion shows and advertising campaigns, fashion magazines, look-books and catalogues, digital stores and storytelling. In one year the aim is to acquire in the field all the techniques to transform each fashion project into a unique visual experience


The three-year Fashion Stylist and Communication course is developed in a diluted and in-depth manner over the course of 3 years and provides a 360-degree preparation on styling and communication by including skills related to the world of fashion design.
The three-year course provides interdisciplinary training, including a concrete cultural foundation, knowledge of new media and integrated communication techniques, trends, fashion design, photography, and in-depth knowledge of textile merchandise. In addition to these skills, the Fashion Stylist will also learn the basics of visual communication and visual merchandising in order to work in all areas of the fashion system related to styling and communication.

The Fashion Stylist annual course is an intensive 1-year program in which you acquire all the skills necessary to work in the styling industry in all its fields: fashion, photo shooting, advertising, still-life, personal stylist, and television.
The one-year course program includes in-depth study of the evolution of the fashion world, study of the main methods of trend research, theory of perception and psychology of form, focus on knowledge of fashion publishing and fashion brands. At the end of the course each student will be able to design and curate the image of a brand or fashion collection at fashion shows, events, advertising campaigns...

From the very first day of the course, all students will be closely supervised by teachers and will be able to deal with a very stimulating context. In addition, thanks to the relationship that IFDA has with companies and institutions in the Lombardy area, they will have the opportunity to participate in numerous extra-curricular projects and to carry out practical internships, with the possibility of placement on the staff, at some of the large fashion houses present in the city of Milan and its hinterland.

The entire Milan's Fashion Stylist course is structured to ensure, at the end of the three-year period, independent careers for all trainees as Fashion Stylist, Celebrity Stylist, Image Consultant, Personal Shopper, Personal Stylist, Editorial Stylist, Fashion Show Stylist, Communication Manager, Editor, PR Manager. 87% of students who take the IFDA course enter the workforce.

The main requirements for accessing the educational path are the age of majority and a high school diploma of any address. The candidate will then be evaluated through a motivational interview.
Admission is determined by an interview in which you will present a motivational letter describing what motivates you to undertake this course of study. Once you have passed the admission interview, the school office will contact you to provide you with all the information you need to enroll.

Start: October 2024 – End: June 2025
Attendance is compulsory for at least 80% of the total hours of the program, useful to receive the final certificate. Lessons take place on site from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00You will be able to stay and study on site and work on inter-company projects beyond academic hours.


√ Professional Qualification Diploma *
√ International Certificate **

*The Study Paths are accredited by Lombardy Region in accordance with the State / Region. Is issued a Certificate of Professional Qualification with logo of the Lombardy Region valid in Italy, Europe and for titles and degrees in the rest of the world, as a qualification recognized through the EQF (European Qualification Framework).
**Certified certificate with international legal value (UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 sector EA37 and EA35) which identifies the standard of training and education recognized at a qualitative level

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