Annual Course

The Shoes Designer learns to design and create any type of footwear in relation to trends, knowing in depth the materials that can be used to work as a stylist for a new collection. The annual program of Shoes Design aims to train young professionals capable of making any type of shoe, developing the various bases for the perfect realization success.
A path characterized by engaging practical and theoretical lessons in the classroom, which is accompanied by the opportunity to participate in workshops and seminars held by professionals in the sector.
Thanks to the direct relationship IFDA has with leading quality companies and laboratories in the accessories sector, it is possible to have a concrete and tangible preparation. Furthermore, participation in seminars and at the most important world fair in the "Lineapelle" sector is the glue to support and help the stylist to have a direct relationship with the specific professional sector. Shoes Design aims to train young professionals able to realize any kind of shoe, elaborating the various bases for the perfect realization. The course is characterized by engaging practical and theoretical lessons in the classroom, together with the opportunity to participate in workshops and seminars held by professionals. Thanks to the direct relationship that IFDA has with leading quality companies and laboratories in the sector accessoriesit is possible to have a concrete and tangible preparation. Moreover, participation in seminars and in the most important world trade fair in the sector "Lineapelle", is the glue to support and help the designer to have a direct relationship with the specific professional sector of footwear.

From the first day of the course, all students will be closely followed by the teachers and will be able to deal with a very stimulating context within small work teams, to have a direct and exclusive relationship and personalized training.

The program of the one-year course includes in-depth study of the evolution of the world of costume and fashion, complete analysis of the production of a shoe, study of technical materials and components, creation of moodboards, focus on sustainable fashion. Upon completion of the Shoes Design course , each student will be able to design his or her own footwear collection and will have an internationally valid certification.

Classroom lectures, workshops, and field experiences provide the autonomy needed to design, develop, and implement collection projects to be included in one's portfolio for job interviews.

During the course, our Shoes Designer will have lectures and meetings with industry professionalsinternal teachers or external consultants, who hold various positions in fashion: fashion designers, pattern makers, prototypists, photographers, art directors, editors, managers; they will also participate in workshops, seminars, competitions, special projects, visits to companies, industry fairs and events such as Milan Fashion Week that will give additional value to your education.

The main requirements for accessing the educational path are the age of majority and a high school diploma of any address. The candidate will then be evaluated through a motivational interview.
Admission is determined by an interview in which you will present a motivational letter describing what motivates you to undertake this course of study. Once you have passed the admission interview, the school office will contact you to provide you with all the information you need to enroll.

Start: October 2024 – End: June 2025
Attendance is compulsory for at least 80% of the total hours of the program, useful to receive the final certificate. Lessons take place on site from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00You will be able to stay and study on site and work on inter-company projects beyond academic hours.


√ Professional Qualification Diploma *
√ International Certificate **

*The Study Paths are accredited by Lombardy Region in accordance with the State / Region. Is issued a Certificate of Professional Qualification with logo of the Lombardy Region valid in Italy, Europe and for titles and degrees in the rest of the world, as a qualification recognized through the EQF (European Qualification Framework).
**Certified certificate with international legal value (UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 sector EA37 and EA35) which identifies the standard of training and education recognized at a qualitative level

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