IFDA è l’Accademia di moda post-diploma e post-laurea numero 1 in Italia che attraverso Corsi e Master Certificati e Legalmente Riconosciuti a livello internazionale nel settore della moda, permette ad ogni allievo di costruire la propria carriera professionale in questo ambito specifico.

In the heart of Milan since 2001, thanks to the collaboration between the school, high-level Professionals and leading Companies in the fashion industry, IFDA is among the few able to guarantee concrete and high quality training.



Photography: Thilini Gamalath  Styling: Francesca Martorelli / Rafaela


√ Eco-sustainable fashion school
√ Quality and customized training
√ Diploma e attestati certificati e Legalmente Riconosciuti
√ Esperienze concrete sul campo durante gli studi
√ Senior professional lecturers in
√ Small classes, real work teams
√ Realization of a Thesis Project and a Professional Portfolio.
√ Ente Accreditato Regione Lombardia con titoli riconosciuti EQF a livello Nazionale, Europeo e Internazionale
√ Practical internships, with the possibility of induction, at well-known fashion houses.
√ L’87% degli studenti IFDA inizia a lavorare nel mondo della moda e del lusso entro 6 mesi

IFDA is one of the few Milanese fashion schools historically recognized by the institutions


Because it builds ad hoc educational programs specific ad hoc educational programs in line with the demands of the world of work, collaborations with national and international brands and fashion professionals, to provide constant practical experience aimed at job placement.


IFDA was founded in 2001 da Daniele C.M. Fittole, rinomato designer attivo dal 1989, di cui all’attivo 2 Fashion Week milanesi, ha lavorato con designer del calibro di Katharine Hamnet, Jean Paul Gaultier, G. Venturi, L. Soprani, oltre a collaborare con diversi Brand ed aziende. La sua visione era quella di creare un’Accademia all’Avanguardia che preservasse la forte identità della vera moda italiana e il Made in Italy, che interrompesse l’enorme lacuna tra la formazione e le necessita’ del mondo produttivo fashion.

Oggi Daniele C.M. Fittole è il CEO dell’Accademia e il fondatore del gruppo GED s.r.l., società di capitale che opera nell’alta formazione ed istruzione e nelle consulenze aziendali nel cuore di Milano.


IFDA has a unique methodology that uses educational material in continuously updated teaching material, produced directly from experience and professional teachers.


The training is dynamic and personalized ad hoc, where moments of classical theoretical training in the classroom alternate with meetings, laboratories, seminars, workshops and visits to the fairs of the sector, to companies and to the style studios of the sector, it allows our carefully selected students to rub shoulders with renowned professionals and immediately enter the world of fashion.

IFDA is an educational and artistic reality based on the selection of a few students divided into teams and the experience of senior professional teachers, alcuni di fama internazionale e con workshop attivi tenuti da Roberto Cavalli, Ermanno Scervino, Antonio Marras, Santo Versace, Gimmi Baldinini, Armando Pollini, Lee Wood e John Richmond, all with a desire to pass on their experience to the next generation of fashion pioneers.

Each IFDA student then has the unique and exceptional opportunity to study in a small team with a faculty team leader at the head.


Through its qualified staff, IFDA offers its expert knowledge to a selected number of students, to ensure training aimed at work.

IFDA is a training boutique because it maintains a personalized approach with its students.


IFDA is located in Via Filargo 36 nel cuore pulsante di Milano al centro di una delle zone con piu’ elevato numero di studenti, una delle zone della moda internazionale tra showroom di grandi Maison del lusso, uffici stampa, agenzie di modeling e set fotografici: i suoi vicini di casa sono Armani, Iulm, Superstudio, Diesel, Fendi, Zegna e molti altri; vicina alla sede del Fuorisalone, della Settimana della Moda, Mudec e Armani Silos. 
IFDA location via filargo 36 milano
3,946 Trained students
157 Organized or participated fairs
62,583 Hours of lessons
87% Students entered the world of work