Collective Master

The figure of Image Consulting is becoming increasingly recognizable in modern society so as to give rise to the need to train in a complete and thorough aspiring professionals in the field.
The image consultant deals with all those aspects concerning the "how" is correct and appropriate to present themselves in every situation through the construction of appropriate outfits, make-up and hair styling tips to finish with the etiquette and dress code.

The main requirements for entering the course are the age of majority and a high school diploma of any major.

The Collective Master  is developed in 55 hours and provides for the development of lessons with a single-weekly from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00 totally customizable based on the availability of the member in agreement with the teacher.

√ Professional Qualification Diploma*
√ International Certificate **

*The Study Paths are accredited by Lombardy Region in accordance with the State / Region. Is issued a Certificate of Professional Qualification with logo of the Lombardy Region valid in Italy, Europe and for titles and degrees in the rest of the world, as a qualification recognized through the EQF (European Qualification Framework).
**Certificate issued with international legal value (UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 settore EA37 e EA35) which identifies the standard of training and education recognised at a qualitative level.

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