Collective Master
The main requirements for entering the course are the age of majority and a high school diploma of any major.
The Collective Master si sviluppa in 55 ore e prevede lo svolgimento delle lezioni con cadenza monosettimanale dalle ore 9.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 18.00 totalmente personalizzabili sulla base delle disponibilità dell’iscritto in accordo con il docente
√ Professional Qualification Diploma*
√ International Certificate **
*The Study Paths are accredited by Lombardy Region in accordance with the State / Region. Is issued a Certificate of Professional Qualification with logo of the Lombardy Region valid in Italy, Europe and for titles and degrees in the rest of the world, as a qualification recognized through the EQF (European Qualification Framework).
**Certificate issued with international legal value (UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 settore EA37 e EA35) which identifies the standard of training and education recognised at a qualitative level.