Collective Master

The Tailor is a craftsman capable of making a dress by intervening in all stages of work: his, in fact, is a highly articulated activity, which begins with assisting the client in choosing the model. He takes care of the elaboration of the model as well as the cutting of the fabric, taking measurements and making the necessary corrections, such as sewing, finishing and ironing. At the same time, he is ready to perform hems, create pockets or make up the different parts of the dress. He occupies, undoubtedly, a prominent role in the production stage of fashion garments, both in the freelance profession and in industry.

Fin dal primo giorno di corso lo studente verrà seguito da vicino e in esclusiva dal docente e potrà confrontarsi con un contesto molto stimolante per ottenere una formazione altamente qualitativa, concreta e personalizzata nella sartoria donna avanzata, dato il rapporto diretto con il proprio docente, professionista senior del settore, e l’Accademia

The main requirements for entering the course are the age of majority and a high school diploma of any major.

The Master of Specialization Advanced Woman Tailoring is spread over 50 hours totally customizable based on your availability in consultation with the teacher. The one-to-one can attend mode features engaging practical and theoretical lessons in the spaces the school provides.

√ Professional Qualification Diploma*
√ International Certificate **

*The Study Paths are accredited by Lombardy Region in accordance with the State / Region. Is issued a Certificate of Professional Qualification with logo of the Lombardy Region valid in Italy, Europe and for titles and degrees in the rest of the world, as a qualification recognized through the EQF (European Qualification Framework).
**Certificate issued with international legal value (UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 settore EA37 e EA35) which identifies the standard of training and education recognised at a qualitative level.

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