
The figure of Business Manager or professional of Fashion Business, deals with all entrepreneurial and strategic aspects of a fashion company. Primarily, he or she must have a thorough understanding of the fashion landscape to be able to identify and use the right tools for effective business positioning.

The Manager collaborates with production, communication, marketing, and retail addressing key issues such as strategy, budgeting, economics, product development, fashion marketing, communication, branding, retail operations management, global distribution channels, as well as consumer relationship management and CSR.

From the very first day of the course, the student will be closely and exclusively supervised by the instructor and will be able to deal with a very stimulating environment and have a direct and exclusive relationship along with personalized training.

The main requirements for entering the course are the age of majority and a high school diploma of any major.

The Master's Specialization in Fashion Business is developed in 49 hours, totally customizable on the basis of the enrollee's availability in agreement with the instructor. The one-to-one mode is characterized by engaging practical and theoretical lectures, complemented by the possibility of planning visits to stores and showrooms that will give a plus to the training.

√ Professional Qualification Diploma*
√ International Certificate **

*The Study Paths are accredited by Lombardy Region in accordance with the State / Region. Is issued a Certificate of Professional Qualification with logo of the Lombardy Region valid in Italy, Europe and for titles and degrees in the rest of the world, as a qualification recognized through the EQF (European Qualification Framework).
**Certificate issued with international legal value (UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 settore EA37 e EA35) which identifies the standard of training and education recognised at a qualitative level.

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